Birth Control Access through Delivery Services

In the majority of states, a minor wouldn’t have any trouble getting birth control if they were able to travel to a Planned Parenthood or other medical clinic. But for some young women, who live far from women’s clinics or have very strict parents who are opposed to them using contraceptives, the barrier to contraceptives is very real.

Mexico City Policy Has Far-Reaching and Diverse Health Consequences

Recently, the Center for Health and Gender Equality (CHANGE) issued a report that highlights just how detrimental the Mexico City […]

Bernie Sanders: Feel The Bern

He needs no introduction since he is currently vying for a spot in the 2016 Presidential Race but Bernie Sanders […]

New Wisconsin Law essentially Bans Medical Abortions

A while back, we discussed the use of telemedicine to make non-surgical abortions more readily available to women in rural […]