Changing Abortion Law

It’s all fine and good if you are Pro-Choice and support women’s rights, but ultimately we all need to take action to make real change. However, that can be easier said than done. Federal and state law can be difficult to understand, and it can also be challenging to know what your role is and how you can execute it. This post will provide a simple guide to help you get involved so that your beliefs can be put into action.

Calling or Writing Representatives

It may seem trivial, but calling or writing to your representatives can have an impact. How do you get started? We do not carry lists of our representatives’ phone numbers in our back pocket, but there are ways to find your reps contact information. By going to the United States House of Representatives website you can find your representatives by entering your zip code. This then provides you with the option of contacting them using the online “write your rep” system. The United State Senate website is even better. There you can get the phone numbers of your senators so that you can contact them in an even more direct manner. This is why keeping track of legislation that is working its way through the system is important. By doing this you can know when you need to contact which representative to try and get them to vote against antiabortion bills.


The National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL) is an organization that fights for reproductive rights in the United States. Volunteering is just one of the many ways they encourage their supporters to get involved. By filling out their online volunteer form, NARAL will help you figure out how to best get involved in the area that you live in.

Attend and Support Events

These events not only seek to raise awareness, but they also offer a platform to bring together like-minded people and fundraise for the Pro-Choice cause. Additionally, they honor people who have made immense strides in the area of reproductive health. This keeps the conversation open and can help the Pro-Choice group come together to strategize the best way to move forward.


If you are in a position to make donations this can be extremely helpful to the Pro-Choice movement and is also an efficient way of giving back if you are short on time.

Other ways to get involved

                NARAL also gets involved in more short-term goals that you can help with. For example they are currently working to get the head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) fired through a petition. Scott Lloyd has continuously tried to control the bodies of undocumented teens and is a threat to women’s rights everywhere. You can also start making an impact on a local level by hosting an action party to raise money and awareness in your local community. But it’s not just women that need to get involved. The like-minded men in our lives are needed to truly make the biggest impact. Simple verbal support is not enough. By educating the men in our lives on how they can get involved and stand up for the movement we can collectively have a more effective impact.

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